
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 40-48.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.007

• Agriculture Mechanization and Equipment Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and test of hanging yam seeding machine 

Ma Tian1, Wang Huiqiang1, Zhang Yong2, Li Wenxiang3, Sun Yulin4, Sun Guangjun5   

  1. (1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, China; 2. Baoding Polytechnic Secondary Professional School, Baoding, 071000, China; 3. Guantao Feixiang Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Handan, 056000, China; 4. Hebei Field Water-saving Irrigation Equipment Co., Ltd., Handan, 056000, China; 5. Tangshan Lijun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Tangshan, 063000, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-12



  1. (1. 河北农业大学机电工程学院,河北保定,071001; 2. 保定市理工中等专业学校,河北保定,071000;3. 馆陶县飞翔机械装备制造有限公司,河北邯郸,056000; 4. 河北田野节水灌溉设备有限公司,河北邯郸,056000; 5. 唐山市利军机械制造有限公司,河北唐山,063000)
  • 基金资助:


To solve the problems of small plots, scattered planting, high labor costs, and low efficiency in yam cultivation in Hebei Province, this paper designs a hanging yam seeding machine that can complete the processes of ditching, fertilizing, sowing, mulching, and suppression in a single operation, based on the agricultural practices for yam planting. The working principle of the seeder and the relevant parameters of key components are explained. The process of yam seed stem in seed placement, guiding, and sowing is analyzed using planting qualification index and planting uniformity coefficient of variation as the evaluation indicators. Factors affecting the above indicators are determined as the linear speed, travel speed, and sowing height of the seed placement system. A Box—Behnken field experiment is conducted to determine the optimal factor parameter combination. The results show that when the linear speed of the seeding system is 0.315 m/s, the travel speed is 0.128 m/s, and the sowing height is 11.1 mm, the planting qualification index is 93.59%, and the planting uniformity coefficient of variation is 3.14%, meeting the required agronomic standards. Field verification tests confirm that the single-row double-ridge yam seeder has excellent performance and can achieve the requirements for single-seed precision sowing.

Key words:  yam; hanging seeding machine, triangular seed placement, parameter optimization, single factor test, orthogonal test


针对河北地区种植山药地块小、种植分散、人工种植成本高、效率低等问题,结合山药的种植农艺,设计一种能够一次性完成开沟、施肥、播种、覆土、镇压等工序的悬挂式山药播种机。对播种机的工作原理以及关键部件的相关参数进行阐述;并以种植合格指数与种植均匀度变异系数为评价指标,对山药种茎在排种、导种和投种的过程进行分析,确定影响上述指标的因素为排种系统线速度、行进速度和投种高度;进行Box—Behnken田间试验,确定最优因素参数组合。结果表明,当排种系统线速度为0.315 m/s、机器的行进速度为0.128 m/s、投种高度为11.1 mm时,种植合格指数为93.59%,种植均匀度变异系数为3.14%,达到所需的农艺要求。田间验证试验表明,单行双垄山药播种机性能优良,能够实现单粒精播的要求。

关键词: 山药, 悬挂式播种机, 三角式排种, 参数优化, 单因素试验, 正交试验

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