
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 59-63.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.010

• Facilities Agriculture and Plant Protection Machinery Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the electric charge characteristics of electrostatic spray droplets

Wang Liguang, Liu Qin, Ma Xiaoyu, Feng Junkun   

  1. (Department of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan Water Conservancy Vocational College, Chengdu, 611231, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-12



  1. (四川水利职业技术学院电力工程学院,成都市,611231)
  • 基金资助:


To further reduce the electrostatic voltage of electrostatic spray equipment and improve the insulation reliability and safety, an electrostatic spray experiment is designed with a negative high-voltage electrostatic voltage range of 1-8 kV. By changing the electrostatic voltage, spray pressure, electrostatic ring diameter, electrostatic ring coil width and other parameters of electrostatic spray, the charge-to-mass ratio of the droplets under each parameter is calculated. The relationship between the charge-to-mass ratio and the voltage, electrode ring diameter, and number of coil turns is plotted, and theoretical analysis of the charge-to-mass ratio under different conditions is conducted. The variation trends of the charge-to-mass ratio under different conditions are compared. By comparison, the electrostatic voltage, spray pressure, electrode ring diameter, and coil width parameters with relatively stable charge-to-mass ratio are selected. The results show that when the electrostatic voltage is between 3 kV and 7 kV, the spray pressure is 0.3 MPa, the electrode ring diameter is 25 mm, and the coil width is 20 turns, the charging effect is significant and relatively stable. These data provide a reference for further development and improvement of electrostatic spray machines.

Key words:  electrostatic spray, electric charge, charge-to-mass ratio, electrode ring, electrode spacing


为进一步降低静电喷雾设备的静电电压,提升静电喷雾设备绝缘可靠性和安全性,设计在1~8 kV负高压静电电压下进行静电喷雾试验。通过改变静电喷雾时的静电电压、喷雾压力、静电环直径、静电环线圈宽度等参数,计算静电喷雾雾滴的荷质比。绘出雾滴荷质比随电压、电极环直径和匝数的变化曲线,对不同条件下的荷质比进行理论分析,对比不同试验条件下荷质比的变化趋势。通过对比,选取荷质比相对稳定的静电电压、喷雾压力、静电环直径、线圈宽度等参数。试验表明:静电电压在3~7 kV,喷雾压力为0.3 MPa,电极环直径为25 mm,线圈宽度为20匝时,荷电效果比较明显且相对稳定。为下一步研发和改进静电喷雾机具提供参考依据。

关键词: 静电喷雾, 荷电量, 荷质比, 电极环, 极距

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