
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 54-58.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.009

• Agriculture Mechanization and Equipment Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on key technologies for mechanized vegetable transplanting in Zhejiang Province

Lou Tingting1, Wang Tao1, Fei Yan1, Liu Guoguang1, Zhang Jiaqing1, Wang Lei2   

  1. (1. Jinhua Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinhua, 321051, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-12



  1. (1. 金华市农业科学研究院,浙江金华,321051; 2. 浙江理工大学机械工程学院,杭州市,310018)
  • 基金资助:


 The vegetable industry is a leading agricultural sector in Zhejiang Province. Transplanting, as an important step in vegetable production, depends mainly on manual labor, which severely restricts the development of the vegetable industry. Mechanizing vegetable transplanting is an inevitable demand for vegetable production. This study introduces the current research on vegetable transplanting machinery both domestically and internationally, with a focus on the automation levels, operational efficiency, and machine sizes. At present, the vegetable planting area is stable in Zhejiang Province, with a wide variety of crops. However, the comprehensive mechanization rate of vegetable planting, cultivating, and harvesting is less than 20%, and the number of vegetable transplanters is low. The study points out some problems with the current transplanting machines in Zhejiang, including poor adaptability to complex environments, unstable operational quality, limited applicability to various vegetable diversities, and insignificant improvement in economic benefits. Some suggestions are presented for improving vegetable transplanting machine, such as miniaturization and steering control technology, profiling adaptive technology, clay prevention technology, automatic seedling picking technology, and high-density transplanting technology. These suggestions could provide a reference for the development of mechanized vegetable transplanting equipment in Zhejiang Province.

Key words: vegetables, mechanized transplanting, Zhejiang Province, miniaturization, clay prevention, high-density



关键词: 蔬菜, 机械化移栽, 浙江省, 小型化, 黏土防除, 高密度

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