
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 175-181.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.026

• Vehicle and Power Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization of cooling channels and temperature field simulation for tractordriven electric motors 

Liu Tianqi, Wang Wei, Zhan Qingming, Wang Xiaochun   

  1. (School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou, 213001, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-13



  1. (江苏理工学院汽车与交通工程学院,江苏常州,213001)
  • 基金资助:


This study addresses the temperature rise problem in existing tractor-driven electric motors by analyzing and calculating the loss generation principles of traditional drive motors. It also optimizes the cooling structure of the motor's spiral water channels and conducts a comparative analysis of the temperature rise of the optimized motor. First, based on existing electromagnetic theory, a mathematical model for the motor's losses is established, and an electromagnetic simulation model of the motor is created using Maxwell finite element simulation software to accurately calculate the power losses in each part of the motor under rated operating conditions. Next, the effect of the vortex generator on the fluid heat transfer is analyzed, and the vortex generator is positioned within the motor's cooling channel for heat dissipation structure optimization. Finally, a coupled simulation model of the motor's flow field and temperature field is established based on principles of heat transfer and fluid dynamics, allowing for a comparative analysis to observe the changes in the motor's temperature field before and after optimization. The results show that placing a vortex generator in the motor can enhance the fluid heat transfer rate and reduce the motor's temperature rise. As the deflection angle of the vortex generator increases, the heat transfer efficiency inside the fluid improves significantly. Specifically, the motor with a vortex generator set at a deflection angle of 60° achieved a 1.50 ℃ reduction in the maximum temperature compared to the traditional spiral water channel motor.

Key words: tractor, drive motor, cooling channels, temperature field, vortex generator, heat dissipation


针对现有电动拖拉机驱动电机存在温升问题,对传统驱动电机损耗的产生原理进行分析以及计算,对电机的螺旋水道冷却结构进行优化并对优化后的电机温升进行对比分析。首先,基于现有电磁理论建立驱动电机的损耗数学模型,通过Maxwell有限元仿真软件建立电机的电磁仿真模型,准确计算额定工况下电机各部分的损耗功率。其次,分析涡流发生器对流体换热效果的影响,并将涡流发生器设置于电机流道内部进行散热结构优化。最后,基于传热学和流体力学原理建立驱动电机的流场和温度场耦合仿真模型,对比分析优化前后电机温度场的变化情况。结果表明,在驱动电机中设置涡流发生器可以提高流体换热率,降低电机温升,随着涡流发生器偏转角度的逐渐增大,流体内部换热效率升高更加明显。其中,设置偏转角为60°的涡流发生器的螺旋水道电机相比于传统螺旋水道电机,最高温度降低1.50 ℃。

关键词: 拖拉机, 驱动电机, 冷却水道, 温度场, 涡流发生器, 散热

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