
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (9): 15-20.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2024.09.003

• Agriculture Mechanization and Equipment Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Agronomic factors affecting the mechanized emasculation of maize seed production

Wang Lin1,Kong Dongsheng2,Wang Liangmin3,Gu Xiuyan1,Yang Long1,Wen Yulei4   

  1. (1. Zhangye Agricultural Mechanization Technology Promotion Station of Gansu Province,Zhangye,734000,China; 
    2. Hexi College,Zhangye,734000,China;3. School of Economics and Management,Xi'an University of Technology,Xi'an, 710048,China;4. Ganzhou District Agricultural Mechanization Technology Promotion Station,Zhangye,734000,China) 
  • Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-09-01


王林 1,孔东升 2,王靓敏 3,顾秀艳 1,杨龙 1,温玉雷 4   

  1. (1.甘肃省张掖市农业机械化技术推广站,甘肃张掖,734000;2.河西学院,甘肃张掖,734000; 3.西安理工大学经管学院,西安市,710048;4.甘州区农业机械化技术推广站,甘肃张掖,734000)
  • 基金资助:


The effects of different agronomic factors on mechanized emasculation were studied to provide technical basis for standardization of maize seed production and promotion of mechanized emasculation technology in maize seed production. Four representative original varieties were selected,and according to the agronomic requirements and planting patterns,a planting area was set up for each variety,and each planting area was divided into different seed grading treatments,different sowing time,different sowing methods,different planting patterns,different emasculation machinery and different emasculation patterns to determine the uniformity of growth and the effect of mechanized emasculation of seed production maize. The effect of mechanized emasculation of maize seed production was related to seed grading, sowing time, sowing mode, planting mode, emasculation machinery and emasculation mode, after seed grading treatment,the mechanized net.taking rate(over 85%) was significantly higher than the mechanized net.taking rate of hybrid seeds(48%), and the mechanized net.taking rate of mid.late sowing was 5% higher than the mechanized net.taking rate of early sowing. The net yield of combined precision seeder was 10% higher than that of mechanized seeding,4% higher than that of wide and narrow row. The satellite navigation intelligent driving system is used to control the agricultural machinery operation, which has high precision and good linearity, and is beneficial to the follow.up agricultural mechanization operation. Therefore,in actual production,it is necessary to select suitable tillage and soil preparation methods and machines according to soil conditions,select seeds and carry out grading treatment and grading planting,appropriately delay sowing time,improve sowing quality,adopt equal row spacing planting,and choose suitable equipment and mode of emasculation according to crop growth and planting scale,which can effectively improve the net access rate of mechanized emasculation.

Key words: seed maize;mechanized emasculation;agronomic factor;average plant height;tidiness;net access rate 


研究不同农艺因子对制种玉米机械化去雄的影响,为制种玉米生产标准化和全面推进制种玉米机械化去雄技术提供技术依据。选取 4个代表性品种原种,根据农艺要求和种植模式,每个品种设置 1个种植区,每个种植区分设不同种子分级处理、不同播种时间、不同播种方式、不同种植模式、不同去雄机械和去雄模式的对照重复,测定制种玉米长势整齐度和机械化去雄效果。制种玉米机械化去雄效果与种子分级、播种期、播种方式、种植模式、去雄机械和去雄模式相关,种子分级处理后种植机械化取净率(85%以上)显著高于混合种机械化取净率(48%);中晚期播种机械化取净率比早期播种机械化取净率高 5个百分点;联合精量播种机播种比人工点播机械化去雄取净率高 10个百分点以上;等行距种植模式取净率比宽窄行种植模式取净率高 4个百分点;采用卫星导航智能驾驶系统控制农机作业,作业精度高,直线性好,有利于后续农机化作业。因此,在实际生产中要根据土壤条件选择合适的耕整地方式和机具,精选种子并对其进行分级处理和分级种植,适当推迟播种期,提高播种质量,采取等行距种植,并根据作物长势和种植规模选择合适去雄作业机械和去雄模式,可有效提高机械化去雄取净率。

关键词: 制种玉米, 机械化去雄, 农艺因子, 平均株高, 整齐度, 取净率

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