
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 56-63.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2024.05.009

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Design and experiment on selfpropelled forest wind extinguisher

Yang Chunmei1, Ma Yaqiang1, Wang Cheng1, 2, Liu Tongbin1, Liu Jiuqing1    

  • Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-21
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杨春梅1,马亚强1,王成1, 2,刘彤彬1,刘九庆1   

Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of fire extinguishing in the early stage of forest fires, a novel forest wind extinguisher with self-guided flow is designed. Firstly, the overall structure type and specific implementation mode of the extinguisher are analyzed and described, and the structure design and calculation of the key components such as air ducts are carried out. Secondly, the structure of the extinguisher is designed using UG, and the statics analysis and modal analysis modules in ANSYS software are used for simulation analysis of the machine frame to verify the rationality of the design of the machine frame. Finally, the prototype is trialproduced. Compared with the handheld 6MF-32 extinguisher commonly used in China, the distance between the pneumatic extinguisher and the 6MF-32 extinguisher is 5 m and 2.5 m, respectively. The experimental results show that in seven comparative trials, when the combustible weight is greater than 2.5 kg, the 6MF-32 extinguisher not only takes a long time to extinguish the fire, but also appears reignition after extinguishing. When the combustible weight reaches 3.5 kg, the wind extinguisher appears reignition after extinguishing. But in all comparison tests, the fire extinguishing time designed in this paper is less than that of the handheld 6MF-32 fire extinguisher, so it can be seen that the designed wind extinguisher has advantages in extinguishing distance and efficiency.

Key words: forest wind extinguisher, the structure design, air ducts, simulation analysis, comparative trials

摘要: 为提高森林火灾初期灭火的效率,设计一种应用于森林火灾初期快速灭火的新型自走引流式森林风力灭火机。首先对灭火机的整体结构、工作原理进行阐述,对风筒等关键部件进行设计计算。其次利用UG对灭火机的结构进行设计,用ANSYS静力学、模态分析模块对整机机架进行仿真分析,验证整机机架设计的合理性与工作特性。最后对样机进行试制,与我国常见的6MF-32便携式灭火机作对比试验,自走引流式森林风力灭火机距可燃物5m,手持式6MF-32灭火机距可燃物2.5m。试验结果表明,在7次对比试验中,当可燃物量大于2.5kg时,6MF-32便携式灭火机出现灭火后复燃现象;当可燃物的质量达到3.5kg时,风力灭火机会出现灭火后复燃现象。试验中,自走引流式森林风力灭火机的灭火时间比6MF-32便携式灭火机短,因此可以看出自走引流式森林风力灭火机在灭火距离、效率上的优越性。

关键词: 森林风力灭火机, 结构设计, 风筒, 仿真分析, 对比试验

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