
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 315-322.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.044

• Comprehensive Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Income increase effect of organizational models in the context of the digital economy: Evidence from a micro-survey of beef cattle farmers 

Liang Yuan1, 2, Tang Liqiang1, Bi Wentai1   

  1. (1. College of Management, Bohai University, Jinzhou, 121013, China; 
    2. Institute of Ocean Research, Bohai University, Jinzhou, 121013, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-13


梁远1, 2,唐立强1,毕文泰1   

  1. (1. 渤海大学管理学院,辽宁锦州,121013; 2. 渤海大学海洋研究院,辽宁锦州,121013)
  • 基金资助:


To explore the income increase effect of different organizational models, this study uses survey data from 539 beef cattle farmers and applies the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method and quantile regression model to examine the impact of organizational models on farmers' income and their heterogeneity effects. The results show that compared with the market transaction model, both the sales contract model and the production management contract model significantly increase the total household income of farmers, while the quasi-vertical integration model does not offer an obvious advantage in improving household income. The choice of industrial organizational models significantly improves the income levels of low- and middle-income farmers, as well as those with livestock scales between 50 and 299 cattle. Based on these findings, the study suggests accelerating the development of smart and precision agriculture through digital technologies, actively creating favorable conditions to encourage and guide the “company + farmer” organizational model, and selecting appropriate organizational models for the beef cattle industry based on farmers' resource endowments and practical conditions.

Key words: digital economy, organizational models, income increase effect, beef cattle farmers, common prosperity

摘要: 为进一步探究组织模式的增收效应,基于539份肉牛养殖户的调研数据,运用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)和分位数回归模型,探究组织模式对肉牛养殖户增收效应及异质性影响。研究表明,与市场交易模式相比,销售合同模式和生产管理合同模式均能够显著提升养殖户家庭总收入水平,而准纵向一体化模式对于提升养殖户家庭总收入没有明显优势。肉牛养殖户选择产业组织模式,能够显著提升中低收入和中等收入养殖户的家庭收入水平以及经营规模50~299头的肉牛养殖户家庭收入水平。据此,提出加快数字技术打造智慧农业、精准农业,积极创造有利条件鼓励和引导“公司+农户”组织模式的发展,根据农户资源禀赋特征和现实条件选择合适的肉牛产业组织模式等政策建议。

关键词: 数字经济, 组织模式, 增收效应, 肉牛养殖户, 共同富裕

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