
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 71-78.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2025.03.012

• Facilities Agriculture and Plant Protection Machinery Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and navigation system experimentation of plant protection robots in ridge planting conditions 

Feng Haodong1, Zheng Hang2, 3, Zhang Yi4, Xue Xianglei2, 3, Tong Junhua1, 3, Yu Guohong2, 3   

  1. (1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018, China; 2. Institute of Agricultural Equipment, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, 310021, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment for Hilly and Mountainous Areas in Southeastern China (Co-construction by Ministry and Province), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hangzhou, 310021, China; 4. Zhejiang Qiantang Robot and Intelligent Equipment Research Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, 310002, China)
  • Online:2025-03-15 Published:2025-03-12


冯昊栋1,郑航2, 3,张毅4,薛向磊2, 3,童俊华1, 3,俞国红2, 3   

  1. (1. 浙江理工大学机械工程学院,杭州市,310018; 2. 浙江省农业科学院农业装备研究所,杭州市,310021;3. 农业农村部东南丘陵山地农业装备重点实验室(部省共建),杭州市,310021;4. 浙江钱塘机器人及智能装备研究有限公司,杭州市,310002)
  • 基金资助:


To solve the problems of autonomous operation in narrow and enclosed spaces under ridge planting conditions, a four-wheel independently driven and steering plant protection robot is designed, and a combined navigation control system based on UWB and IMU technologies is developed. The robot's performance is tested for inter-ridge and ridge-changing operations indoors. First, the characteristics of the ridge planting conditions are analyzed to define the chassis inter-ridge walking and ridge-changing operation modes, and corresponding chassis structural components are designed. Based on these operation modes and the chassis structure, a navigation control system of the plant protection robot is developed. This system integrates UWB positioning technology and an IMU module for combined navigation, using robot's positional information and attitude information as the inputs. A pure tracking algorithm is implemented on the chassis kinematic model to achieve precise navigation control. Finally, indoor navigation tests of the robot are conducted. The results show that at speeds of 0.5 m/s, 1.0 m/s and 1.5 m/s, the maximum lateral deviations of the robot's inter-ridge straight-line walking are 0.094 m, 0.106 m and 0.148 m, and the average deviations are 0.028 m, 0.041 m and 0.068 m, respectively. The robot demonstrates excellent steering flexibility and navigation accuracy indoors, meeting the operational requirements of ridge planting structures. The findings provide a valuable reference for the development of autonomous plant protection robots for facility-based operations.

Key words:  facility greenhouse, ridge planting, plant protection robot, autonomous navigation


针对设施垄作模式下空间结构狭小、环境密闭造成机器自主作业困难等问题,设计一种四轮独立驱动转向设施植保机器人,开发基于UWB和IMU的组合导航控制系统,并对机器人进行室内垄间与换垄行走性能测试。首先根据设施垄作模式特点,确定底盘垄间行走和换垄作业模式并设计相应的底盘结构部件;然后基于行走作业模式与底盘结构开发设施植保作业机器人的导航控制系统,采用UWB定位技术与IMU模块进行组合导航,以机器人的位置信息和姿态信息作为输入,在底盘运动学模型的基础上,采用纯跟踪算法实现导航控制。最后开展机器人室内导航实地测试。结果表明,在行驶速度为0.5 m/s、1.0 m/s、1.5 m/s时,该机器人的垄间直线行走最大横向偏差平均值分别为0.094 m、0.106 m、0.148 m,平均偏差分别为0.028 m、0.041 m、0.068 m。该机器人在室内具有较好的转向灵活性和导航行走精度,能够满足设施垄作结构特点下的行走作业要求,为自主设施植保作业机器人的研制提供参考。

关键词: 设施温室, 垄作模式, 植保机器人, 自主导航

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