
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 279-288.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2024.05.042

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Effect of farmer differentiation and demonstration on farmers’ intention and behavior of green agricultural production

Sun Qianlu1, Li Chaozhu2   

  • Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-22



  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Farmers’ green agricultural production is of great significance to agricultural ecological cultivation. Based on the survey data of 857 households in 7 provinces and from the perspective of farmers differentiation and demonstration, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the influencing factors of  farmers’ willingness, behavior and willingness behavior consistency of agricultural green production by using semi nonparametric estimation. The results show that  farmers’ willingness to produce green agriculture is high, but the probability of production behavior is not high. Occupational differentiation has a positive effect on farmers’ intention to produce green agriculture, and the regression coefficients are 0.085 7, 0.131 6 and 0.220 0, respectively, which are significant at the 1% statistical level. In addition to cadre’s leading behavior in irrigation, cadre demonstration has significant positive influence on farmers’ intention and behavior of agricultural green production, and villager’s leading has significant positive influence on farmers’ intention and behavior of fertilizer reduction, new irrigation mode and low-toxic pesticide application. The older the respondents  are, the more willing they are to use new irrigation methods and apply lowtoxicity pesticides. The influence coefficients are 0.034 0 and 0.033 4, respectively, and both are significant at the 1% statistical level. Therefore, in the promotion of green agricultural production in rural areas, improving the prestige of grassroots cadres, increasing farmers’ nonagricultural income, strengthening the research and development of green agricultural production, increasing green production subsidies, and expanding the ecological publicity of cultivated land can improve farmers’ willingness and behavior of green agricultural production from different levels.

Key words: green agricultural production, farmers differentiation, semi nonparametric estimation, willingness and behavior, demonstration and guidance

摘要: 农户农业绿色生产对农业生态耕种具有重要意义。从农户分化和示范引领的视角,基于7省857户调查数据,利用半非参数估计对农户农业绿色生产意愿、行为及意愿行为一致性的影响因素进行实证分析。研究发现:农户农业绿色生产意愿较高,但生产行为发生概率不高。职业分化对农户农业绿色生产意愿均存在正向影响,回归系数分别为0.085 7、0.131 6和0.220 0,且均在1%统计水平上显著。干部灌溉引领行为外,干部示范对农户农业绿色生产意愿和行为均存在显著的正向影响,村民引领对农户化肥减量化意愿和行为、新型灌溉方式行为和低毒农药施用意愿存在显著的正向影响。被调查者年龄越高,采用新型灌溉方式、施用低毒农药的意愿越强,影响系数分别为0.034 0和0.033 4,且均在1%统计水平上显著。因而,在农村农业绿色生产推进中,提高基层干部威信,提高农户非农收入水平,加强农业绿色生产研发,提高绿色生产补贴,扩大耕地生态宣传等能从不同层面提高农户农业绿色生产意愿和行为。

关键词: 农业绿色生产, 农户分化, 半非参数估计, 意愿与行为, 示范引领

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