
Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization

Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 104-110.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2024.05.016

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Research on blockchain agricultural product storage optimization based on practical Byzantine algorithm

Yang Xin1, Zhao Chen2, Liu Yao3, Wei Jinyu3   

  • Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-21



  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Embedding blockchain technology into agricultural logistics warehousing can effectively solve the information problems encountered in the current agricultural product warehousing such as asymmetric warehousing information, low process transparency and unsafe information storage in agricultural logistics warehousing, and promote the further development of agriculture. Based on the analysis of how blockchain technology can empower agricultural logistics and warehousing, this paper proposes a blockchain agricultural product warehousing optimization strategy based on the practical Byzantine algorithm. This strategy uses the blockchain data structure to manage agricultural product storage information, uses verifiable random functions for grouping, combines ECDSA digital signatures with verifiable random functions to improve the consensus algorithm, and deploys multiple nodes in Hyperledger Fabric for algorithm testing. The test results show that, this solution effectively solves the problems of safety and low efficiency in the storage process of agricultural products, and realizes the new model of “blockchain + agricultural product storage”.

Key words: agricultural logistics, agricultural warehousing, blockchain, consensus algorithm, verifiable random function

摘要: 将区块链技术嵌入农产品物流仓储可以有效解决当前农产品仓储遇到的仓储信息不对称、过程透明度低以及信息存储不安全等问题,促进农业进一步发展。在分析区块链技术如何赋能农产品物流仓储的基础上,提出基于实用拜占庭算法的区块链农产品仓储优化策略。该策略采用区块链数据结构管理农产品仓储信息,利用可验证随机函数进行分组,将ECDSA数字签名与可验证随机函数结合改进共识算法,并接入Hyperledger Fabric中部署多个节点进行算法测试。结果表明,本方案有效解决农产品在仓储过程中存在的安全性与效率低下等问题,实现“区块链+农产品仓储”的新模式。

关键词: 农业物流, 农产品仓储, 区块链, 共识算法, 可验证随机函数

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