

中国农机化学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 104-109.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.20955553.2022.06.01

• 农产品加工工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵立华1, 2,程卫东1,刘洋3,叶阳4   

  1. 1. 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,山东淄博,255000; 2. 杭州师范大学钱江学院,杭州市,310018;
    3. 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,杭州市,310018; 4. 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所,杭州市,310008
  • 出版日期:2022-06-15 发布日期:2022-06-21
  • 基金资助:

Kinematic simulation analysis of tea particles in green tea fixing machine

Zhao Lihua, Cheng Weidong, Liu Yang, Ye Yang.   

  • Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-21

摘要: 绿茶杀青及炒制加工过程中,杀青炒干机核心构件滚筒的结构参数及转动速度对绿茶的卷曲成形起着关键作用。为优化设计滚筒式杀青炒干机的滚筒结构尺寸,制定有利于茶叶卷曲成形的工艺参数,提出一种茶叶杀青过程中的茶叶颗粒运动学分析方法,推导茶叶颗粒运动学方程,基于EDEM软件进行运动学仿真,进而对不同滚筒转速下的理论计算结果及仿真结果进行分析对比,仿真结果验证了在常规杀青工艺的速度下,茶叶颗粒运动学模型的正确性。通过研究,获取优化的滚筒结构参数和改进的生产工艺:导叶板倾斜角调整到15°,茶叶炒制过程中,杀青时滚筒转速为25 r/min,成形时滚筒转速为40 r/min。研究为后续优化设计滚筒关键结构尺寸及绿茶杀青工艺参数优化提供理论参考。

关键词: 杀青机, 运动学, EDEM, 绿茶加工

Abstract: In the process of green tea killing and frying, the structural parameters and rotation speed of the drum, the core component of the green tea killing and frying machine play a key role in the curl forming of green tea. In order to optimize the structural size of the drum of the drum type green killing and frying machine and formulate the processing parameters conducive to the curl forming of tea, a kinematic analysis method of tea particles in the process of tea killing and frying was proposed, The kinematic equation of tea particles was deduced, and the kinematic simulation was carried out based on EDEM software. Then the theoretical calculation results and simulation results under different drum speeds were analyzed and compared. The simulation results verified the correctness of the kinematic model of tea particles at the speed of the conventional green killing process. Through the research, the optimized drum structural parameters and improved production process were obtained. The inclination angle of the guide vane plate was adjusted to 15°, and the drum speed of tea frying was adjusted to first kill the green at 25 r/min, and then form at 40 r/min. The research provided a theoretical reference for the subsequent optimization of the key structural dimensions of the drum and the optimization of green tea killing process parameters.

Key words: tea fixing machine, kinematics, EDEM, green tea processing
