

中国农机化学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10): 238-244.DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2022.10.033

• 农业机械化综合研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 1. 新疆农业大学管理学院,乌鲁木齐市,830000; 2. 新疆自然资源规划研究院,乌鲁木齐市,830000;

    3. 新疆第二测绘院,乌鲁木齐市,830001
  • 出版日期:2022-10-15 发布日期:2022-09-19
  • 基金资助:

Rationality evaluation and spatial layout of the 10th Division permanent basic farmland protection area from the perspective of territorial spatial planning

Ma Ting, Shao Zhanlin, Wu Yanshan, Lin Juan, Meng Ling.    

  • Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-09-19

摘要: 为满足当前国土空间规划的总要求,促进永久基本农田保护区的布局调整与优化。以新疆生产建设兵团第十师已划定的永久基本农田为例,从国土空间规划视角出发,选取6个指标,运用熵值法和综合评价法,借助ArcGIS空间分析及核密度分析等工具,对第十师已划定的永久基本农田保护区进行了合理性评价研究及空间布局分析。第十师永久基本农田合理性指数在51.20~99.40之间,平均值为81.36,合理性指数较高,但部分与第十师国土空间规划有冲突;空间布局整体呈“东密西疏”分布,局部呈“中间密四周疏”分布,核心区域永久基本农田斑块聚落密度在20~25个/hm2。依据评价结果,将第十师永久基本农田划定为优先保留区、稳定保持区、整治加强区、保留发展区及缩减调出区,将优先保留区和稳定保持区用作区域发展的“保命田”,整治加强区要补齐利用短板,提高永久基本农田整体优势,保留发展区要依托整治手段,守住永久基本农田的基本要求,而缩减调出区多为分布零散的边缘化耕地,不宜继续划为永久基本农田保护区,应予以调出。

关键词: 永久基本农田, 合理性评价, 空间布局, 核密度分析

Abstract: In order to satisfy the general requirements of the current national spatial planning, promoting the permanent adjustment and optimization of the layout of the basic farmland protection areas, this paper takes the permanent prime farmland that has been designated by the 10th Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps as an example, from the perspective of land and space planning, selecting six indicators, using entropy method and comprehensive evaluation method, with the help of ArcGIS spatial analysis and nuclear density analysis tools, the rationality evaluation research and spatial layout analysis of the permanent prime farmland protection area delineated by the 10th division were carried out, the results showed that the rationality index of permanent prime farmland of the 10th Division was between 51.20 and 99.40, with an average value of 81.36, the rationality index was relatively high, but part of the permanent basic farmland did not fit into the territorial space planning of the 10th division. The overall spatial distribution is characterized by dense distribution in the east and sparse distribution in the west, and partial distribution is characterized by dense distribution in the middle and sparse distribution around. The density of permanent basic farmland patches in the core area is 20-25 per hectare. Based on the evaluation results, the 10th Divisions permanent basic farmland was designated as priority preservation areas, stabilization and maintenance areas, remediation and enhancement areas, preservation and development areas, and scaleddown and transferredout areas, the priority preservation areas and stabilization and maintenance areas will be used as agricultural land for regional development to ensure livelihood, the remediation and enhancement areas should make up for the shortcomings in utilization and improve the overall advantages of permanent basic farmland, the preservation and development areas should rely on remediation methods to keep the basic requirements of permanent basic farmland. The scaleddown and transferredout areas are mostly scattered marginal arable land, which is not suitable to continue to be designated as permanent basic farmland reserves and should be transferred out.

Key words: permanent prime farmland, rationality evaluation, spatial layout, nuclear density analysis
